A Few Pointers for Parents

Although Coaches of Excellence works directly with coaches, we strongly believe that there are many "players" in the world of sports which can affect the atmosphere of a game. A lot of parents come to us asking what they can do as spectators, so we thought we'd share 5 important tips to remember:

1. Understand Your Role at a Sporting Event! Realize there are only 4 types of people at a sporting event; the Coaches, the Players, the Officials and finally the Spectators. You cannot be all 4, you are only 1, the spectator…so enjoy the day by not trying to be all 4! Know your role.

2. Pick the “Right Seat” at your child’s sporting event. Do not sit by people that will try to draw you into the negative parent/fan culture of sports. If you end up in a bad seat or section, simply move…there are not any padlocks on your seat cushion. Be a problem solver not a problem spotter!

3. Let the Coaches Coach! Be committed to refraining from yelling out instructions to your child during games or practices. Understand that this is the Coach’s job. Understand that games are chaotic times for children trying to deal with fast paced action and respond to opponents, teammates, and coaches. Simply limit your comments during the game to encouraging your child and the other players… for both teams.

4. Be a Positive Role Model toward Officials! Be a great sport Parent by being sure to Mention good calls by the officials to others in the stands or on the sidelines. Start to create a climate where we recognize this is about the kids and not winning!

5. Keep Your Perspective and Practice Self-Control Routines...do not criticize officials, coaches or especially your child. Remember to have fun and Enjoy the day!


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